Tic Tac Toe Game (Console Based) in Java full project free download

Game Features

  • As the program starts executing, player X starts
  • The player types in a column and a row number. For example for column A and row 3, it should be ‘A3’.
  • The program should verify that the box is not already populated, if it is already set then the program asks the player to re-enter a new column and a row. If it is not already populated then set that particular box to X.
  • Program checks to verify if there is any winner
  • The program prints out the Tictactoe board.
  • Program asked player O to type in a column and a row number.
  • The program should verify that the box is not already populated, if it is already set then the program asks the player to re-enter a new column and a row. If it is not already populated then set that particular box to O.
  • Program checks to verify if there is any winner
  • The program prints out the Tictactoe board.
  • The steps should be repeated until all boxes are populated or a winner is found.
  • The program should end.


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