Body Mass Index Implementation
First Screen
Result Screen
'-----Begin code for #main
WindowWidth = 365
WindowHeight = 220
'-----Begin GUI objects code
statictext #main.statictext1, "Enter Your Name", 15, 52, 102, 20
TextboxColor$ = "white"
textbox, 135, 47, 100, 25
button #main.button3,"Proceed Now!",[BMI], UL, 15, 92, 95, 25
'-----End GUI objects code
open "untitled" for window as #main
print #main, "font ms_sans_serif 10"
print, "!contents? name$"
m1$ = "Welcome "+name$+" to BMI Calculator"
notice m1$
close #main
'-----Begin code for #1
WindowWidth = 550
WindowHeight = 410
'-----Begin GUI objects code
statictext #1.statictext1, "You Height", 70, 52, 66, 20 '---- setting position of label
TextboxColor$ = "white"
textbox #1.tb1, 150, 47, 100, 25 '---- setting position of height text field
statictext #1.statictext3, "(in Centimeters)", 150, 82, 92, 20
statictext #1.statictext4, "Your weight", 70, 117, 69, 20
textbox #1.tb2, 150, 112, 100, 25
statictext #1.statictext6, "(in Kilograms)", 150, 147, 81, 20
button #1.button8,"Compute BMI",[bmi], UL, 150, 177, 90, 25 '---- setting position button
textbox #1.tb3, 150, 217, 100, 25
'-----End GUI objects code
open "Metric BMI" for window as #1 '---- setting the handler
print #1, "font ms_sans_serif 10"
print #1, "trapclose [quit]"
print #1.tb1, "!contents? heightInCm$" '------ fetching the values from height text feild and storing result in heightInCm variable
print #1.tb2, "!contents? weight$" '------ fetching the valus from weight text field and storing result in heightInCm variable
heightInMeter = 0.01 * val(heightInCm$) '------ converting the string vales of height txt field into number and measuring it in meters
square = heightInMeter * heightInMeter '------- taking square of height according to the formula
totalWeight = val(weight$) '------ converting the string value of weight into number
result = totalWeight/square '----- applying formula to caculate the Metric BMI
print #1.tb3, result '------ displaying the result into the text field
if result<18.5 then notice "You have low BMI"
if result>18.5 and result<25 then notice "You have normal BMI"
if result>25 then notice "You have high BMI"
close #main
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